wd fileagent
WD FileAgent ensures automatic downloading of files from the vehicle tachograph archive and driver card archive stored on the Webdispecink server. It saves the files files itself in a directory defined by you, e.g, input folders of external applications (TachoScan by INELO, respectively TAGRA, etc.) and ensures smooth and error-free downloading of all these files from Webdispecink without any user involvement.
Checking for new files and downloading them from Webdispecink is done at regular 30-minute intervals. Downloaded files with the extension ".ESM" are renamed to the extension ".DDD" and then stored in a user-defined directory.
You can manually download files instantly or download files repeatedly over a certain time period.
During the operation of the application, logging and recording of the history of downloaded files has taken place, as well as errors (e.g. network failure, absence of target storage, etc.)
Windows 10 and MacOS operating systems are supported for installation. Use of the application is subject to license terms and conditions and a license code must be entered to use the application. For this reason, please contact our sales or support department webdispecink@eurowag.com to use it.